Art Literacy Narrative

As long as I can remember I had always had a great connection with different art forms. As I grew up I was able to enjoy and participate in various types of art. For example, music, visual art, and dancing have been essential to my experience with art. For me art has been very important. It has been a great element for my personal and identity growth.


One of my truest and first memories of visual art occurred on my ninth birthday. My godfather painted a beautiful landscape and gave it to me as a gift. I still have it on my bedroom wall. It was a very symbolical gift, meaning that it represented something for me. It represented my ideal place. A place in which I could just sit and relax, giving me a sense of different perspectives on my surroundings. To this day every time I feel stressed, I stare at the painting and I soon feel that somehow, I had traveled inside the painting. My birthday present was the beginning of art giving me a sense of purpose.


One of the most important memory I had with art happened a year later. My family background revolves around music and dancing. Every time we celebrate a special event, or just on a regular basis music is involved. Around 2010, my dad took his time and taught me how to dance. This created a special bond with my father and me. As a result, I fell in love with music even more because it was music who connected my father and me. Time passed, and I got better at dancing. In the year 2013, my mom’s friend had asked me if I were interested in joining a dancing group. My love for dancing was huge, so I agreed to dance with her. Las Moras de San Pedro is a Mexican dance group. It was well known in our home community, back in Mexico. I was honored to bring a tradition from my roots to a different country. Being a member for over five years have been incredible. Throughout those five years, I have learned so much about what a community is. I was amazed on how the art of dancing brought many people together and celebrate. My second encounter with dance was in the second grade. Around the age of eight, I joined Flamenco, a school dance group. This journey ended when I graduated. However, great memories were created. I was able to go on field trips to the Lincoln Center and watch theatrical dances like ballet shows. One of my favorite learning experience in this group was playing the castanets, an instrument used during our performances.


Although dancing covered a great part of my life, I also had an opportunity to create music. In elementary school, I decided to join the school band. I played the saxophone. This was around the same time my godfather gave me my birthday present. I remember my parents joking saying, “You couldn’t choose a bigger instrument?” This was their way of telling me that my instrument was almost bigger than me. However, I enjoyed playing the saxophone. It was the only time I was able to concentrate on myself and only myself. Which is why I continued to play from the third grade until I graduated elementary school. When I entered middle school, I hoped that I could continue playing. However, the school did not have saxophones. In high school I decided that I should give it another try and joined my high school band. The excitement I felt when I first played finally came back, along with all my memories as a child. New memories and friendships were built along the way. We performed in occasions such as festivals, parades, school ceremonies, and important school events.


Looking back at all the moments I had with various arts, I can conclude that art is crucial in my life. In my perspective, art is more than what we think it is. It is more than just a painting, a sound, steps, etc. For me art gives a purpose. That purpose is happiness. Art impacted my relationship between my friends, family, interest, and with myself. Art has always been a great form of relief.